Drummond only recently turned 25 years old and is clearly an improved player over the last few years. His rebounding has improved, led league with 16 last year which was an almost Rodman like total, FT shooting was 60.5% (career high by almost 20 points), which was really a shocking improvement to respectable. This year he has improved more and is shooting 75% on FTs! I think the improvement he showed on the line last year, for a guy who was a career 37-38% FT shooter, was unprecedented in NBA history. I would be willing to bet cash money that his increase last year over his previous best year was an NBA record. Of course he had no place to go but up, but still impressive and I did not see it happening. In basketball, guys are usually who the stats say they are, especially with FTs. He must have worked very hard, otherwise his past explanations for his bad FT shooting, that he wasn't used to the growth changes in his hands and arms, may be the truth. The motor skills and muscle memory finally caught up with the growth.