Blades, this furthers my argument as to why none of this makes any sense and an implosion of not only the Big 12 but the entire P-5 structure is destined to happen. I have not read the 1984 case you keep referring to, but that is 31 years ago and the landscape and money have changed. The law adapts and changes in response to what is happening in the world. When the housing market crashed in 2008 due to waves and waves of mortgages being given to people who did not have the income to pay them and no income verification was being done prior to these closings, guess what happened? All the banks brought foreclosure actions on grossly overpriced property, they couldn't get paid 20 cents on the dollar on their foolish loans, and then they pressed the CT Legislature to pass a wave of legislation making it harder for mortgage brokers, realtors, attorneys et al to get paid commissions and money for fraudulent loans/closings. Similarly when 300 schools end up getting stiffed up their butts (not just UConn) due to a few fat cats, the power is in the numbers. There will be a revolution, mark my words, the system as we know it now will not be the same in 10 or 20 years.