Uconn and Big 12 ?

And I guess the bigger question is how can anyone claim antitrust with the current system ...when the pre-84' system was considered antitrust and was defeated when the United States Supreme Court ruled 7-2 to destroy it creating the open TV market we have today. ...SMH !
Hmmm..... the NCAA votes to allow Big 12 to hold a football title game with 10 teams.....

" The vote by the NCAA Division I Council passed 7-2 on Wednesday. The Atlantic Coast Conference and the American Athletic Conference voted against it and the Pac-12 didn't vote."

So not the AAC they had to have 12... does this mean the AAC can drop Tulsa and Tulane(no offense to those fine schools) and keep more of it's TV money per school too ?
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OK President_Boren says Big 12 would still be disadvantaged even with title game: #Sooners

Not surprised and expected based on what I was hearing this past week.... Oh well!

I think the B12 is hanging on by Texas strings... They may still leave.
or from the way OK President_Boren's talking he may want OU to leave first b4 TX gets a chance....because of no B12 TV network/ while the Longhorns have their own...
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News OK Blogs / Berry Tramel....OU's President David Boren would like to end The Longhorn Network

"The Longhorn Network was the catalyst for much of the Big 12 exodus. Certainly Texas A&M and Missouri in its wake. Texas is flush with money, most of the rest of the schools have garnered little from the broadcast rights available to market on their own. And a Big 12 Network is not possible as long as Texas has Bevo TV. Form a Big 12 Network, and suddenly different schools look much better. Connecticut, for example. An entire state of 3.5 million is gaga over UConn basketball. A Big 12 Network would sell in New England, while providing exposure for the other schools."

"The other expansion candidates — Cincinnati, Boise State, Houston, Central Florida, East Carolina, whoever you think of — don’t really register much on the conference-network train. But Connecticut and Brigham Young would be major additions. Boren has been politicking for a long time for Big 12 change. His public statements on the “psychologically-disadvantaged” league. His efforts to build consensus for expansion. "
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Blades, this furthers my argument as to why none of this makes any sense and an implosion of not only the Big 12 but the entire P-5 structure is destined to happen. I have not read the 1984 case you keep referring to, but that is 31 years ago and the landscape and money have changed. The law adapts and changes in response to what is happening in the world. When the housing market crashed in 2008 due to waves and waves of mortgages being given to people who did not have the income to pay them and no income verification was being done prior to these closings, guess what happened? All the banks brought foreclosure actions on grossly overpriced property, they couldn't get paid 20 cents on the dollar on their foolish loans, and then they pressed the CT Legislature to pass a wave of legislation making it harder for mortgage brokers, realtors, attorneys et al to get paid commissions and money for fraudulent loans/closings. Similarly when 300 schools end up getting stiffed up their butts (not just UConn) due to a few fat cats, the power is in the numbers. There will be a revolution, mark my words, the system as we know it now will not be the same in 10 or 20 years.
Yeah the P-5 might change..... to a P-4 !!!....( Oh and separate from the NCAA) .....Do I like the payout structure right now ?... no.. but the Supreme Court created it and the free market.....and good luck with Yale, Stony Brook or Maine deserving the same TV payout as Ohio St, Kentucky, Michigan or even Uconn.
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Exacrly right Blades... Been saying that and I believe former Coach Calhoun said that as well that it will come down to 4 conferences of like 64 or so teams and not governed by the NCAAs as currently constructed
Exacrly right Blades... Been saying that and I believe former Coach Calhoun said that as well that it will come down to 4 conferences of like 64 or so teams and not governed by the NCAAs as currently constructed

Yeah pretty close to what I heard 3-4 years ago, I remember Calhoun talkin' about the group of schools who used athletics and their brand as a huge marketing tool for the university. And bunch of these small schools who have nothing in common.

Many like the Ivies decided years ago to get out of the FB arms race and then you have a few hundred others who don't spend much on their AD's but are just happy to be called D-1's by the NCAA so they can get a big paycheck being a sacrificial lamb in hoops at the beginning of the year or to get some March Madness cheese at the end of the year....

Also I heard Buzz Williams say the same thing after he left Marquette for a P-5 ( Va Tech) about a split across the board... not just FB... and eventually you better be in the P-64 + Notre Dame ( right now ) or you'll be out completely. Then they'll probably realign the whole thing into 4 divisions. And it's always the bottom feeders conferences who don't play FB at a high level ( or have no horse in the race, quite frankly )....... who are the P-5's bitches and vote with them on the autonomy stuff ......for fear the big boys will leave and take their hoops cheese with them......Which they should be worried about.
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Big Ten writer from Indiana not happy with Rutgers and says before it's to late:


" Where Rutgers' athletic department has been largely non-competitive & lacking leadership and investment, UConn has been, well, exactly not that. They possess the most successful men's basketball program of this decade. They possess the most successful women's basketball program ever. They went to a BCS bowl game in 2011. If Delany's motivations in expansion were to solely increase the quality of play in the conference, taking Rutgers over Connecticut would have been gross administrative malpractice."

1. The Big 12's allegedly interested in UConn -- and getting a slice of those New York television dollars as part of a new tv network.
"Oklahoma president David Boren has made his thoughts known on the Longhorn Network, the conference's swing-and-miss on adding Louisville, and is seemingly displeased with the conference's handling of realignment over the course of the past five years. If there's one school in the conference with the moxie and standing to offset Texas' power to push a move, it's Oklahoma. They'd undoubtedly have support from West Virginia administrators in adding an eastern travel partner, and the Huskies seem to be the new hot name."
2. Two area programs would make New York City far more of a B1G TOWN than it is presently.
3. The Big Ten could leverage UConn into adding one of the ACC's big dogs.


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The Rutgers Athletic Department for the past many years is and has been a laughingstock of college athletics. They suck moose balls and have not been good in hoops for a long time and their football program is nothing special and only marginally better than UConn, and that could change in a hurry.
I love how the writer said he would be ok with the B1G's East expansion if they actually made it seem like they were going after the best east coast options instead of making it like a money grab situation.

Currently it's all a money grab situation and if they want to seriously start expanding to the NE and into the NYC market then it's so obvious that we should be the one true candidate to help put them over the hump in that aspect.

Why let another conference like the Big 12 potentially add us and get a taste for the NYC audience? The B1G is the most ideal landing spot for us long term but who the hell knows what they were thinking when they chose Rutgers over us in the 1st place