I don't understand the Vance Jackson thing. The guy got more minutes than he would have if Larrier had not been hurt. He played like a freshman, but got better and had some good games in the latter half of the season. Maybe he sees the writing on the wall that when Larrier comes back he will lose minutes but Larrier might actually be played at the 4 a lot. So I don't know why VJ is on the ledge so to speak. He could be a good player, every team can use a kid who shoots like that regardless of his athletic limitations.
You're an ass clown Glenn Travis Lilian Miller Anderson!!! Keep showing how dumb you are.... I'm actually enjoying this.
Now do me a favor and go play in traffic or drink bleach your preference.
You are on the clock!!
+1.....Vance is the real deal and showed more BB IQ, control and vision as a FR in his little pinky than somebody like Purvis did as a 5 yr SR ...he needs work on D but all FR do...if KO loses him too, he's f#cking this whole thing up even worse than I thought he could.Ozzie if the kid is on the ledge you should call him up and talk him off.....or somebody should....he is a promising player. Needs to improve his strength and defense but so do almost all freshmen.
Vance is still a husky.... if that changes will let you know!!
Haters out in full force lately.
Funny how a bad season brings out all the bad eggs
He's immature and certainly an odd choice to be KO's online representative. Don't let his name calling bother you, he told me to kill myself for criticizing KO.Not a hater or a bad egg, I'm sure there are others with the same notion. Love the huskies no matter the circumstances.