Kimani Young to UMass?

I wonder if Kimani is selling himself short on a black hole program? He's already making $575K at Uconn. Which was more than Umass payed their last HC when he started though he phased up to about a $750K average. With what he's shown in recruiting at this level, a Big Ten gig on his resume and running the team for DH during the Nova win, shouldn't he be listeneng around for possible P-6 offers ?
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OH you mean that big mouth and forgotten Blauds.. er um.. Fraud-schun ( that Borges quoted).... that "has been/ nobody " of a writer .....looking for twitter hits... is wrong ? Who would have thunk it ? Correction from Borges:
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When I read the article in the Register it sounded fishy to me. If I were Kimani I would wait for the P-6 offers and I am sure he will get some.
On another note I realize that reporters like Borges go through lots of Twitters and other social medias but as a conscientious reporter you really have to be careful about what stories you run with. I am glad to see that some in the media are self regulating on this kind of thing and on opinion being reported as news. Just yesterday ESPN's baseball reporter Jeff Passan was raked over the coals on sports radio for claiming he failed to attribute something he reported in the first person as fact, which was that MLB's proposal to players was a "shit sandwich". See the below story. Bottom line is we have to be careful with what is being reported: