Can this relly be swept under the rug by the NCAA ?

The Charlotte News & Observer says what I've noticed about the NCAA for years, they have no problem making an example of certain programs or leaving em' behind as collateral damage (like Uconn, UNLV or how about these guys NCAA bans Alaska, takes away victories) ...while the NCAA does everything they can to protect others in their Ol' boys network like UNC for a $imple reason:

"The NCAA is between a rock and a hard place because it badly needs North Carolina athletics to be vibrant and healthy. A few years of severe sanctions against
UNC means a potentially huge revenue loss for the NCAA, from both television rights and post-season play. "

This just flat out calls for Roy Williams head on a platter:
What UNC must do: Fire Williams, remove banners, forfeit wins
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Why hasn't UNC punished themselves? Banned their teams from post season play...or something along those lines.
One of Jerry Tarkanian's best lines ( you can insert UNC instead of UK)
"The NCAA is so mad at Kentucky they're going to give Cleveland State another year of probation."