I loved this guy’s posts! Pure fan passion, knew his hoops, hated on Calipari. Added something to every thread he posted in. What happened to him?
+1, I hear ya, if you read some of my posts from the fall of 2013, I lost my sh$t too regarding Giffey not getting more PT/ starting. But it was never about Kromah for me. He was a needed rotation player and more than did his job.. It was KO's love affair with Omar Calhoun who he started 11 strait early games that drove me nuts. Undersized/unathletic OC couldn't guard a chair, rebound or shoot(.305 FG%/ 241% 3's) compared to Neils(.540/ .483) and Kromah(.433/.339)who was a plus defender /good athlete too. Omar would also loose the ball every time he dribbled. The only redeeming thing for KO that year..... was even though it took him 3 months, after us, to see it.... by the NCAA's he finally got it & Omar played a grand total of 4 minutes in the 6 games. While NG became a starter and Kromah, another glue guy off the bench, made the winning play chasing down a rebound and hit the FT's to clinch the NC, and the rest is history.Blades, I was furious that Giffey didn't start right away in '14.I was talking mess about Follie all the way back then.