Tevin Mack dismissed from UT

I think kids are always deserving of a 2nd chance but the rumors on him are he can't get his junk together to not smoke weed and he swung on a teammate.

He had second chances at Texas, and thirds. How many should he get? I would say pass on him, a bigger need is the 5.
2nd chance meaning change of environment but I'm definitely in agreement that needs to be a far different environment than Connecticut.

He was recruited though, could you imagine if KO had to deal with this head case on top of the season he's having? Dodged a bullett.
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Some other red flags on this guy: although he averaged over 14 points per game last year as a freshman, he had a Johnnie Selvie like 0.8 assists per game. Usually anyone who is getting over 30 minutes a game has no excuse to have such an anemic assist total. Also interesting that he made 39.1% of his 3s, but only 58% of his FTs.