SMU, Brown Learn Punishment Tomorrow


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Gold Member
Mar 28, 2009

Here is my question for you guys: if Brown gets the same 9 game lack of control suspension the NCAA gave to Boeheim, which seems likely, will it be the first 9 regular season AAC games or the last 9 regular season AAC games? The reason I ask is that UConn doesn't play SMU until the last 9 regular season AAC games - both games in the last 9. Why should the other teams get to duck Brown once or twice but UConn does not get to duck him? Is this fair? How about staggering the suspension so he misses one game against each AAC school? What do you guys think?
CBS- SMU likely to learn results of NCAA probe Tue.

ONE PLAYER ??? " At issue is whether former assistant Ulric Maligi and another person connected to SMU's program helped former McDonald's All-American Keith Frazier with coursework, according to Yahoo! Sports"

Yet regarding years and years of university wide cheating for dozens of players at UNC..( just like Cuse) we've seen ever attempt to walk away by the NCAA while we hear crickets ...what a joke of a corrupt organization these guys are!
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Let's not forget SMU has a long history of scandals and probably the most notorious scandal in football where the program was given the death penalty for a very long time after being #1 in the nation. They never recovered from that. Let's also not forget that as great a coach as Larry Brown is, and he is a great coach, he has had violations at virtually all his stops. So it's not like the NCAA is picking on a school or coach with no history. There is a ton of history. Question is how will the punishment go down?
Sure everyone's heard of the Pony Express story...but that was 30 years ago...and they got the death penalty...the NCAA can start with the same for those cheaten' f#%k's down at UNC...or I don't want to hear another word about them & their selective punishments !
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Isn't just lovely how these scumbags at the NCAA are allowing UNC to do anything possible to protect men's teams but are swift and and powerful when it comes to any college team( non P-5) they determine is disposable. When you read the justifications the NCAA has been trying to make for 4 years and the press releases( early which said "nothing to see hear folks !" ) on UNC's behalf.... (so they can find some way to rule favorably ($$$) for years of cheating at Chapel Hill) ... it couldn't sound any worse if it was coming from some corrupt politician or evangelist. As mentioned above and now from the NHR's :

David Borges ‏@DaveBorges 2h2 hours ago
"To paraphrase Jerry Tarkanian, "The NCAA is so mad at North Carolina, it gave SMU a postseason ban."

CBS Sports-NCAA smacks SMU, Brown with post-season ban
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Seems kind of harsh, although Brown got the same 9 game suspension as Boeheim, although it's not being reported if it will be the first 9 regular season AAC games, which then has him back for the 2 games against UConn. This also basically cedes the AAC title to UConn, and I think it somewhat hurts UConn because they lose the competition that would have come from what is clearly the best team other than UConn in the AAC. On both of these levels, I think that this postseason ban and Brown suspension hurts UConn, even though it enhances the chances of UConn getting the AAC automatic bid.
Hmmm. So Brown's been there what 3 years ?

"Brown is blamed for failing to "ensure a culture of compliance." The NCAA did not allege he had direct knowledge or involvement in the misconduct. Still, the NCAA said, Brown did not report the misconduct upon learning of it in 2014 for more than a month, and the NCAA alleged Brown was not initially truthful when asked about potential violations."

So ignorance is no excuse right? "Current men's basketball coach Roy Williams is steadfast that he did not know, Wainstein said." WELL to Frickin' bad..... So how long has good OL' Roy been in charge( 12 years) down at Chapel Hill while he's been playing DUMB ! "UNC athletics report finds 18 years of academic fraud" and how long they did they all try to cover it up ??? All things being equal Roy needs a lifetime ban and the rest of the UNC cheaters need the death penalty, but I won't hold my breath on that !
Brown likely got the suspension more for not being truthful with investigators than the length of his tenure of "lack of control", although I think his history with UCLA and Kansas likely didn't help his cause.

I am still a little bit in the dark on the "lack of control" penalty. It basically requires all coaches to be micro managers of everything that happens from recruiting to resolution of academic issues to running interference with potential interlopers a la Josh Nochimson. It seems like the coaches have a lot to deal with and can't focus totally on basketball issues. This is not to defend any of these guys but ideally a coach does need to delegate some duties to trusted lieutenants. I guess the moral of the story is surround yourself with loyal soldiers who know the rules - or die!!!!
The difference being is that agents and guys like Nochimson are for Nochimson..they want to lay some ground work for theirselves and a pay-off in a couple years or less.

When Roy turns his back and lets the cheating go on it benefits Roy and UNC... so him playing dumb is self serving but the NCAA lets it go on because it keeps one of their marquee programs on the floor for their money making machine.... despite what they all try to spin to the general public about who is truthful and who is not.
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I just read Larry Brown's statement and I think his response was very classy. Ironically, Larry Brown himself has his roots at UNC. He has always been something of an enigma to me. He is clearly a great game coach, and anyone who saw what he did at UCLA in 1980 or at Kansas in 1988 cannot seriously argue otherwise. That UCLA team had no business making it to the final and the Danny and the Miracles team similarly was not the best team and beat a far more talented Oklahoma team, because Brown outcoached Billy Tubbs. Brown also seems to say and do the right things, and from interviews I have heard with him he understands the important core values. Yet he has presided over these messes, and I wonder if he is somehow a real life tragic figure akin to King Lear or Hamlet, like a Shakespearean tragic figure who does some good but things go to hell on him some way.

I also think that this hurts UConn from the competitive standpoint. Do we really want our team to basically have a red carpet laid out to the postseason, or do we want them to earn it playing the best of the AAC other than UConn?

The whole thing bothers me, and for not just the reasons you guys have mentioned.
. This also basically cedes the AAC title to UConn,( TIME WILL TELL) and I think it somewhat hurts UConn because they lose the competition that would have come from what is clearly the best team other than UConn in the AAC. On both of these levels, I think that this postseason ban and Brown suspension hurts UConn, even though it enhances the chances of UConn getting the AAC automatic bid.

So what's Aresco's move if SMU doesn't appeal ? He can't let SMU play in the AAC tourney correct ????....

But talk about bad timing for the kids.... unlike UNC ( where the NCAA is letting them delay punishment until after the tourney because of more BS )and Cuse( where they waited and then accepted a tourney ban that was moot) the NCAA decides to screw over the SMU players after school is enrolled and right before the season starts....I wonder about mid-season transfers and waivers for the SMU seniors ???
What all of this means is that SMU's whole season will come down to the two games against UConn- games which Brown will coach. Brown will whip those kids up by telling them this is their only 2 chances to prove to the nation that they are the best team in the AAC.

I don't like it.