55% is a very high 3 point shooting %. At the college level anything over 40% is very good, and 55% is Giffey-like (Niels did hover above 50% for much of his last season). Actually Giffey's 48.3% in 2013-2014 is the best in recent memory at UConn. I doubt Alterique will drop it at 55% but if he hits over 40% that would be great and will open up things.
Some other great 3 point shooting seasons:
Ray Allen 46.6%, 1995-96
Rashad Anderson, 41%, 2003-2004
Ben Gordon, 43.3%, 2003-2004
Albert Mouring, 47.8%, 1999-2000
Brian Fair, 45%, 1994-95
Niels Giffey, 48.3%, 2013-2014
Not sure but I think Niels may have set the record.