NCAA upholds UConn's 1 scholarship sanction, but KO's...Ollie for 3 years

Here is a report from ESPN on this matter, which includes a number of defiant statements from Ollie’s Attorney:
UConn gets 2 years probation for Ollie violations
Well what else is that lying, leaching, snake in the grass gonna say now that his client is screwed after all the bad legal advice he gave KO. No the NCAA didn't support Uconn in this ruling like KO's paid mouthpiece says. Uconn lost and lost alot more than they would of. Because what is worse than those violations, is the cover-up by Ollie & that is exactly what the NCAA said. Nice guy KO, but not to brilliant....
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I think he did give Ollie bad legal advice. The time to negotiate a settlement was before this decision was issued. Will be much harder to do so now.
I am also wondering whether there is case law on whether a show cause penalty constitutes “just cause” for Ollie’s (or any other coach’s) termination for just cause. If I were UConn’s attorneys I would be doing that research now, because that is the lynchpin in the legal dispute and this is (potentially) an issue that could be resolved on a dispositive motion.
It’s appalling that the NCAA harshened the penalties because they felt Ollie misled enforcement staff. Obviously, he did so to keep the $10 million buyout in play. He put his own selfish interests ahead of the school’s. Obviously the NCAA staff believed they were lied to.
I find no pride in Ollie's penalty. The NCAA is TRASH and hates UConn, there is no other way to see it.

Now, as for Ollie, this guy was a train wreck and all locally know it and saw it first hand. He went from family man to man on the prowl, from living room guy with recruits to searching for.....well you know the rest. Ollie needs to find his way........or this wont end well for him EVER.
Says settle for $1 mil or 2 and go their own way....Opinion from:
I kind of think a settlement went from $3 million range to $1 million range because of the NCAA ruling. His legal fees may be in 6 figures at this point. Once they are paid Ollie will end up with very little money in his pocket, no job, and no real ability to coach in college in the next 3 years.
After reading the NCAA stuff, this is the difference between KO and Calhoun. We know the the NCAA despised Calhoun because of his success & brash loud mouth northeastern style......But when JC had problems, Miles because of Nochimson, who JC (or Rip) had no control over, the phone calls that are legal and a joke now...... JC man-'ed the f@CK up. "Could I have made a mistake? Sure," Calhoun said, according to Yahoo! Sports. "The [rules] manual is 508 pages. Someone could've made a mistake." ......"I have a tough time with the NCAA book at times," he said. "There's a fine line there with some of these things." (true, just ask UNC academics, Corey Maggette, Duke, the Miami scandal, Cam Newton, etc etc. etc)

Report: Calhoun admits mistakes could have been made

What did KO do in the same situation ? Pushed out/fired his 1A & 1B ( Hobbs & Miller) and lied, lied, lied, then tried to circle himself with a team of yes men
( I called out KO's hires right off the bat) and alienated everyone from bosses to fans, the guy ( Calhoun) who helped hire his unqualified ass (with a coaching team to help him).... along with 4 star players and parents. Then he tries to play victim and hide behind a PR team and lawyers, because he sucked at his job once his life took a tumble and he had to face a little adversity.....IMHO take a little responsibility KO for the first time in years, stop with the blame's the first step of getting your life back on track.
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