Manute Bol's Son

the Blades

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Jan 20, 2003
This kid has some amazing skills for his height and only 15 years old....I'm sure you oldschoolers remember Manute Bol from back in the day. Played at University of Bridgeport (with one of my Windsor friends who was all-state). Had as crazy a life off the court after his NBA days... as he did on the court. Lived in West Hartford after getting out of Sudan and problems with their Government ( after a bunch of humanitarian work & he donated all his money). Then got critically injured coming back from one of the Casino's by a drunk Yellow Cab driver who got killed in the accident. Was dead with another illness by the time he was 47.... but his kid ( class of 2018) could do big things in the future if his tape is any indication:

FoxSports: Manute Bol's son has ridiculous skills

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I remember Manute Bol when he was at the U of B. UB and Sacred Heart had an intense rivalry at that time, and it was during the time that Manute was at UB that SHU won the D-2 national championship with no starters over 6'5". UB also had a point guard by the name of Stevie Ray who was a D-2 All American. I had a chance to see him in pickup games at the Harvey Hubbell gym.

Back in the late 1980s, when the Bridgeport area was ripe with high schoolers who were D-1 college talent like Chris Smith who went to UConn, Frenchy Tomlin who went to Cleveland State, Marvin Saddler and Chris Watts, there used to be intense pickup games featuring all of the above, UB players and SHU players.