Ewing, similar to Kareem Abdul Jabbar, I think alienated some people and media as pros, and they were both perceived as aloof individuals who do not work well with people. In Kareem's case I think he was just a very private guy who happened to become a major celebrity based on remarkable big man skills, and he was uncomfortable in the public eye and did not relate well to the media. I think the perception on Ewing is that he is a good guy to work with any team's big men but don't put him in charge or make him have to deal with medias because he can't really do it well, did not like it as a player and wouldn't as a head coach. I don't think he was unpopular with players but I don't exactly think he was Mr. Popularity either. As a college player, he was a tremendous presence defensively, and then in the pros distinguished himself as one of the best jumpshooting centers of all time .