J-Lamb and Kemba re-unite ??

Actually I am not sure that article offers a fair or accurate assessment of Lamb. He did have bursts of scoring output with OKC but was continually benched for playing poor defense. It's interesting that he ends up in Charlotte as they are a team that might be able to use him differently.
If I may be perfectly honest I am shocked at how little OKC got in return for Lamb. Lamb is a #12 overall pick and he got traded for a washed up backup point guard and a conditional second round pick. Clearly OKC gave up on Lamb and their GM Presti basically took whatever he could get. I see this trade as a win for the Hornets who gave up nothing, and potentially got something. Something for nothing trades always look good, if in fact you got something.
One of the many reasons Scott Brooks got fired and I knew for last two years Lamb wanted out of OKC.... Lamb can ball and has proven it!